Sunday, November 22, 2009


One of New York's treasures is the Encores series`of staged concerts celebrating the American musical. To kick off their fifteenth season this indespensable company is presenting[for this weekend only] the George and Ira Gershwin chestnut, Girl Crazy. This musical[ which dates back to 1930 ] is the kind of thing that Encores does best, and it gives us a chance to hear the classic score the way audiences in 1930 first heard it, and Robert Russell Bennett's original orchestrations sound terrific as played by the great Encores orchestra under the direction of Rob Fisher.
Girl Crazy may not be a classic musical,but the score is choice Gershwin and director Jerry Zaks keeps the action zipping along smoothly.
The whole thing is well cast, the singing and choreography are fine, and this Girl Crazy is a pleasure to see and hear. Thanks to Encores for an enjoyable evening.
At the N.Y. CITY CENTER 131WEST 55th STREET N.Y.C NOV 19th thru NOV 22nd.

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