Thursday, December 3, 2009


The need to be accepted in society has always been a favorite subject of novelists and playwrights. Carson McCullers was taken with this subject enough to base her best-selling novel The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter on it, and from this famous novel Rebecca Gilman has written a moving and eloquent play.
It follows the story of a deaf -mute man who moves to a small southern town during the great depression to be near his best friend who has been committed to an insane asylum. His isolation is mirrored by some of the townspeople he meets who are looking for friendship and compassion just as he is.
What could have become a mawkish and sudsy story has become a moving and exalted play due to the love and understanding Ms. Gilman has for her subject, and it has been directed to perfection by Doug Hughes.
The acting company from top to bottom is superb, and the sets by Neil Patel catch the mood of the play perfectly.
This is one of those theatre evenings where every thing goes right, and The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter is a tasteful and moving play done with all the skill and compassion it needs. Go see it.
At THE N. Y. THEATRE WORKSHOP 79 EAST 4th STREET N. Y. C. thru Dec. 20th.

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