Saturday, April 3, 2010


Mark Rothko was one of the better known American abstract painters of the 20th century. In his later years he battled depression, alcaholism and personal demons, but his genius was always there. That genius is celebrated in John Logan's exciting and entertaining new play RED.
We first encounter Mr Rothko in 1958. He has been comissioned to paint murals for the about to be opened Four Seasons restaurant in New York and hires an assistant to stretch canvas, mix paints, and buy Chinese food. The play examines the complex and sometimes explosive relationship between this disturbed genius and his young assistant.
This is playwright Logan's first New York effort [ he has had a number of plays done in London]and many of the people who did it in London last year are repeating their assignments here.
Michael Grandage's staging, Christopher Oram,s costumes and set design, and Neil Austin's lighting could not be better.
As the explosive genius Alfred Molina gives his best performance yet [and that is saying alot for he is a splendid actor] and Eddie Redmayne is titanic as the assistant. This role won him a bunch of awards in London, and he reveals himself as a stage actor of uncommon gifts. These are the only two actors on stage and no more are needed.
Fine staging and first rate production values combined with a fine play make RED a true occasion in the theatre,and a high point of a spotty season on Broadway.

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